35 Instagram Optimization Tips Social Media Experts Swear by

All together now: content means nothing without optimization!

…to the algorithms, that is.

Let’s unpack why.

A lot of my clients outsource content creation to me, but their feeds are still their feeds, which means they still sometimes go rogue and post their own stuff. I’m totally fine with that…except when those posts don’t include the most basic of content requirements, like, I don’t know, a relevant caption, or any kind of explanation about what it is they’re posting, and who might care? Let’s look at this further…

What is content optimization? 

When you share any social media content, the platforms need to 1) associate you, your account, and your content with categories of data, and then recommend that data to other accounts that may want to see and engage with it. You do this through utilizing features, and tweaking your profile settings so that you’re visible, reachable, and your content gets seen. 

Why does content optimization matter?

Optimizing your social media channels can help signal the all-knowing platform algorithms what your content is about, so that you can ultimately be recommended to non-followers. Otherwise, metrics stagnate. Here in 2024, you’re just not going to grow if you don’t optimize things. But it’s not as complicated as it seems - a lot of that work can be done at once and reviewed quarterly as platforms change and features settings move around. 

Here’s what it looks like for Instagram…

Optimize your Instagram: 35 tips social media experts swear by

Instagram Optimization Tips: your profile should have these things!

  1. An up to date, medium to high resolution profile photo 

  2. A username that aligns with your brand, is consistent across platforms, and is searchable

  3. Your name field should contain searchable keywords

  4. A bio that explains (1) who you are, (2) what you do and (3) who you serve / target audience

  5. A call to action (i.e. book a call, shop now) in your bio field

  6. An easy-to-use link visible in your bio 

  7. Titled, current, and easy to scroll highlights

  8. Up to 3 pinned posts for your photo and reel feeds 

  9. A clear profile category (“musician / band,” e.g.)

  10. A public profile! (not private)

Instagram optimization tips: while you’re at it, check your account settings

  1. Account type is accurate (personal vs. professional / creator)

  2. Contact options / public business information selected

  3. Contact info displayed where necessary (e.g., your city is public if you are a location-based business)

  4. Select your action buttons (learn more, e.g.)

  5. Your threads badge visibility is selected, if necessary

  6. Your verification status is confirmed, if your profile meets criteria

  7. Review your message controls to see who is allowed to DM you

  8. Set your story replies to be “allowed from everyone”

  9. Set your tags and mention settings to “allowed from everyone”

  10. Make sure your account status is clear 

Instagram optimization tips: review your posts and content

  1. Your posts are relevant to your target audience

  2. Posts contains a caption with a short hook, value statement & CTA (call to action)

  3. Captions contain relevant keywords and hashtags

  4. Captions contain any relevant user tags

  5. Images contain alt text 

  6. Reels are captioned with readable subtitles within the preview grid  

  7. Content contains any relevant user tags

  8. Post contains any relevant location tags (not just the caption!)

  9. Content thumbnails are selected and centered 

  10. Additional topics are selected 

  11. “Add message button” is selected where appropriate

  12. Caption does not contain links (place the link in a clickable location and direct users there)

  13. Content is cross-posted to other platforms, if necessary

  14. Text overlays are visible within the preview grid

  15. Audio is original or selected from the in-app library

Make your optimized Instagram content work for you!

If you need another set of eyes on your Instagram content to review optimization, or are interested in a full channel audit and recommendations, send me a message and let’s look together.

Robin Anderson

Using these ideas? Tag me in your socials so I can cheerlead!



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